Your daily coffee could help you live longer

2020/10/13 14:48

Today's Vocabulary

1. longevity (n)
living for a long

2. consume (v) 
to eat or drink, especially a lot of something

3. mortality (n) 
the way that people do not live forever

4. hailed (v) 
to call someone in order to attract their attention

5. documented (v) 
to record information about something by writing about it or taking photographs of it

6. intake (n)
the amount of a particular substance that is eaten or drunk during a particular time

7. ethnicity (n)
a particular race of people, or the fact of being from a particular race of people

Your daily coffee could help you live longer

If you’re a regular coffee drinker, a new study might brighten your day. Researchers have found that consuming the popular beverage may increase longevity, and it doesn’t even need to be caffeinated.

Numerous studies have documented the potential health benefits of coffee consumption. One study reported by Medical News Today, for example, suggested that drinking coffee daily may halve the risk of liver cancer, while an earlier study linked the beverage to reduce dementia risk.

Now, in what is being hailed as the largest study of its kind, researchers have identified a link between daily coffee intake and reduced risk of death from numerous diseases, including cancer, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease.

Lead study author Veronica W. Setiawan, of the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, and colleagues recently reported their findings in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

The researchers came to their results by analyzing the data of 185,855 adults who were part of the Multiethnic Cohort Study. Subjects were aged between 45 and 75 years at study baseline, and they were followed-up for an average of 16 years.

As part of the study, participants completed questionnaires detailing their diet, including how often they drank coffee and whether it was caffeinated or decaffeinated. They also provided information on lifestyle and medical history for themselves and their family.

Reduced mortality risk with daily coffee intake was seen across the four different ethnicities included in the study: white Americans, Latin-Americans, Japanese-Americans, and African-Americans. As such, the team is confident that the results will also apply to other populations.

“This study is the largest of its kind and includes minorities who have very different lifestyles,” notes Setiawan. “Seeing a similar pattern across different populations gives stronger biological backing to the argument that coffee is good for you whether you are white, African-American, Latino, or Asian.”


  1. What do you drink to stay healthy?
  2. Do you prefer coffee or tea? Why?
  3. From what age is it OK to start drinking coffee?

“I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.”