Tasmanian Devils reintroduced into Australian wild

2020/10/09 15:40

Today's Vocabulary

1. sanctuary (n)
protection or a safe place, especially for someone or something being chased or hunted

2. dingoes (n) 
a type of wild dog found in Australia

3. endangered (adj)
in danger of being harmed, lost, unsuccessful, etc

4. dwindled (v) 
to become smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number

5. carcass (n) 
 the body of a dead animal, especially a large one that is soon to be cut up as meat or eaten by wild animals

6. beavers (n)
an animal with smooth fur, sharp teeth, and a large, flat tail. Beavers build dams (= walls of sticks and earth) across rivers

7.  eradicate (v)  
to get rid of something completely or destroy something bad

Tasmanian Devils reintroduced into Australian wild

Tasmanian devils have been reintroduced into the wild in mainland Australia for the first time in 3,000 years. It’s thought that packs of dingoes helped eradicate them on the mainland. There are still some on the island state of Tasmania but their numbers have dwindled over the past two decades.

The Tasmanian devil, classified as endangered, gets its name from its high-pitch squeal and is renowned for fighting over access to animal carcases, which it grinds with the bone-crushing force of its jaws.

Animal experts say they pose no threat to humans or agriculture.

Conservation group Aussie Ark worked with other animal groups to release the Tasmanian devils into the 1,000-acre fenced sanctuary. The animals have been placed in the sanctuary to help keep their chances of survival high. They have no supplied food, water or shelter.

In detail: Tasmanian devil
   a. They can live for more than five years in the wild, if they avoid catching cancer
   b. Males weigh up to 12kg, females up to 8kg
   c. Hearing is considered to be their strongest sense
   d. Devils have at least 11 distinct vocal calls
   e. They were given their name in 1803 when sailors reported “unearthly” calls

Over time, Aussie Ark hopes to release some Tasmanian devils into unfenced areas.

In the UK, conservationists have taken part in a five-year trial to reintroduce beavers. During the trial, which concluded earlier this year, two families of beavers bred on the River Otter in Devon. The animals, once native to Britain, were hunted to extinction around 400 years ago   

Resource: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-54417343

  1. How do animals become endangered?
  2. What can we do to protect endangered animals?
  3. Should endangered species be kept in zoos?

“Conservation of any endangered species must begin with stringent efforts to protect its natural habitat by the enforcement of rigid legislation against human encroachment into parks and other game sanctuaries.