Deep Breathing Helps the Lungs

2020/10/09 17:50

Today's Vocabulary

1. limits (v) 
to control something so that it is not greater than a particular amount, number, or level

2. notes (v) 
to give your attention to something by discussing it or making a written record of it

3. diaphragm (n)
the muscle that separates the chest from the lower part of the body

4. stress (n)
great worry caused by a difficult situation, or something that causes this condition

5. stale (adj) 
not fresh or new

6. exchange (v) 
to give something to someone and receive something from that person

7. effect (n) 
the result of a particular influence

Deep Breathing Helps the Lungs

When was the last time you thought about breathing? Most people usually do not. When we are healthy, breathing happens naturally and easily. Without much effect on our part, the human respiratory system works hard.

When you breathe deeply, the air coming in through your nose fully fills your lungs, and the lower belly rises. On its website, Harvard Medical School notes that deep breathing may slow the heartbeat, lower blood pressure and lower stress. Deep breaths help your body fully exchange incoming oxygen with outgoing carbon dioxide.

However, many people do the opposite of deep breathing. They take short breaths and have shallow breathing. Experts call this “chest breathing.” Shallow breathing limits the expansion of the diaphragm and its movement. The lowest part of the lungs does not get a full share of oxygenated air. This can make you feel short of breath and worried, or anxious.

Several health websites explain an easy deep breathing exercise.

Find a place to sit or lie down. Place one hand just below your ribs. Take a slow, deep breath — or inhale — through your nose. Feel your hand go up. Your stomach should rise and expand. Now breathe out slowly through your mouth. Make sure to breathe out — or exhale — all the way. Feel your hand and stomach go down.

The American Lung Association website states that if done repeatedly, breathing exercises can help remove stale air from the lungs. This will increase oxygen levels and get the diaphragm to return to its job of helping you breathe.


  1. Do you ever think about the way you breathe?
  2. Have you ever had trouble breathing?
  3. Would you like to be able to breathe underwater?

“Breathing is the greatest pleasure in life.”

Chris Maser