Meet the zeptosecond, the shortest unit of time ever measured

2020/10/27 15:06

Today's Vocabulary

1. realm (n)
an area of interest or activity

2. increments (n)
one of a series of increases

3. physicist (n)
a person who studies physics or whose job is connected with physics

4. bounced (v)
to (cause to) move up or away after hitting a surface

5. interference (n)
an occasion when someone tries to interfere in a situation

6. measure (v)
to discover the exact size or amount of something

7. particle (n)
 an extremely small piece of matter

8. skip (v)
to move lightly and quickly, making a small jump after each step

Welcome to a world of bubble cities, mobile homes & downloadable food

Super skyscrapers, underwater cities and 3D-printed homes will all be a reality in 100 years’ time, according to a new report.

The SmartThings Future Living Report, commissioned by Samsung-owned internet of things firm SmartThings, was created by a group of academics and futurologists who suggest that in a century’s time humans will be able to live in ‘Earth-scrapers’, which will go up to 25 storeys underground.

The academics suggest that ‘bubble cities’ will be created underwater making the depths habitable for humans.They also believe personal drones will become a staple mode of transport, as well as being used as futuristic “mules” to carry entire homes around the world for holidays.

3D-printing food -something already possible today -will also become smarter, with the ability to download dishes from our favourite chefs and print them, ready to eat, in minutes.

The colonisation of the Moon and then Mars will also have taken place, with commercial flights into space now a regular occurrence, alongside smarter homes that will be able to house LED screen walls that can be changed to suit the mood, removing the need to redecorate.

SmartThings UK MD James Monighan said: “Our homes are becoming smarter and can now detect the presence of things like people, pets, smoke, humidity, lighting and moisture. And this is just the beginning.”

  1. Would you prefer to live in the future or in today’s world?
  2. Do you think the future will be good?
  3. What do you know about 3D printers?
  4. What has the internet changed for you?

“I don't know what the future may hold, but I know who holds the future.”