New First Class Incentive System
Hi, 25Hoon English teachers!
This announcement is to re-introduce the importance of first classes and to introduce a new incentive system.
Please read and review this thoroughly to take this advantage.
What is a First Class?
– It’s a free trial class provided to potential customers who have not officially enrolled yet in 25Hoon.
– The SS (Student Support) Team endorses your fixed schedules to potential regular students to show them how excellent 25Hoon teachers are. Thus, they assign the best teachers of 25Hoon to make these potential students our actual enrollees.
– This is why First Classes are very important.
– Thus, to boost First Class success rate and to give better motivation to teachers, 25Hoon English will launch its New First Class Incentive System immediately effective by today, 10/23 Wednesday and we we will have this system until end of December. If the result is good, we will have this incentive permanently.
What is the new first-class incentive system and what are the conditions?
– When a First Class is successful and the student becomes the teacher’s official regular, a 30USD/student one-time incentive will be granted to the teacher and will be added to their next salary.
– For example, if you have 5 first classes and 3 of them are successful, then you will have 90USD next salary; if all are successful, then it will be 150USD.
– To put simply, the more successful first classes you conduct, the more regulars + incentives you will get.
– As you know, whenever you get regulars, it also gives you more regular bonus based on the number of regulars. So it’s double incentive actually from regulars.
How will the TS Team support teachers on this?
– The TS team will start providing a more comprehensive and detailed feedback system for first classes. This improved feedback system will detail the know-how and specific formulas on how to make first classes successful.
– In the feedback we will send, teachers will be able to specifically check what parts they excel in and what parts they have to improve.
What is the protocol for this improved first class + feedback system?
– The process will be basically like this:
a. Teacher will conduct the first class.
b. Detailed feedback will be provided.
c. Teacher study/review the points highlighted on feedback (via Learning Center/self-study).
d. Teacher will get another first class.
e. Feedback will be given again.
f. Teacher can study/review points again.
NOTE: The process is the same until the teacher masters the important factors needed to incorporate in first classes.
However, since first classes are essential, we cannot give unlimited opportunities for first-class bookings. If even after multiple feedback, the monitoring team notices that there’s zero improvement and no incorporation of specific concerns are done to a teacher’s class, the SS Team will not give the teacher further first classes until the monitoring team notes that the teacher has improved.
– Also, here are some useful tips for the detailed feedback system:
When you get feedback, you will be given an evaluation sheet where important first class factors are rated from 1-5 stars. If a teacher achieves 3 or more stars for most of the items, they can mostly succeed on converting the potential student into their regular.
0 Star – Not done at all.
1 Stars – Done but very little; almost the same as none.
2 stars – Did but not so much effort.
3 stars – Did the part noticeably.
4 stars – Did the part well.
5 stars – Did the part perfectly.
– In addition, we have opened an improved First Class Strategy Learning Course that all teachers will be able to access via the Learning Center. This course can be accessed anytime and access will not expire. So, every time teachers get detailed feedback on a first class, they can proceed to the Learning Center and intensively review the parts they need to focus on.
Through this improved feedback and incentive system, we hope that teachers will be more motivated to achieve first-class success, will get more regular students, and achieve better booking and income stability.
Please note that you are free to ask us if you have any questions.
Thank you and good luck with your classes!
TS Team