Unit 03 :
Gardening 園藝


Let’s learn about different kinds of gardening.

Part 1

1. plant /plænt/
a living thing that grows in earth, in water, or on other plants, usually has a stem, leaves, roots, and flowers, and produces seeds
to put a plant into the ground or into a container of soil so that it will grow

garden/greenhouse/indoor plants

2. seed  /siːd/
a small, round, or oval object produced by a plant and from which, when it is planted, a new plant can grow
to produce seeds

3. weed  /wiːd/
any wild plant that grows in an unwanted place, especially in a garden or field where it prevents the cultivated plants from growing freely

4. root  /ruːt/
the part of a plant that grows down into the earth to get water and food and holds the plant firm in the ground

5. flowerpot /ˈflaʊ.ɚ.pɑːt/
a container, usually made of clay or plastic, in which a plant is grown

6. soil  /sɔɪl/
the material on the surface of the ground in which plants grow

light/heavy/fertile soil

7. fertilizer  /ˈfɝː.t̬əl.aɪ.zɚ/
a natural or chemical substance that is spread on the land or given to plants, to make plants grow well

organic fertilizer
a liquid/chemical fertilizer

8. compost  /ˈkɑːm.poʊst/
decaying plant material that is added to soil to improve its quality

a football player/team     

9. hose  /hoʊz/
a long plastic or rubber pipe used to direct water onto fires, gardens, etc.

a garden/fire hose   

10. nozzle  /ˈnɑː.zəl/ 
a narrow piece attached to the end of a tube so that the liquid or air that comes out can be directed in a particular way

Attach the nozzle to the hose before turning on the water.

Exercise 1

Choose the correct answer.

1.The organic ___ shall keep the soil in good heart.

a) weed      b) seed      c) fertilizer

2.She raked the ___over to loosen the weeds.

a) plant      b) seed      c) soil

3.These vegetables can be grown from ___.

a) seed      b) hose      c) root

Part 2

11. shed /ʃed/ 
a small building, usually made of wood, used for storing things

a tool/storage shed
a garden/bicycle shed

12. glove  /ɡlʌv/
a piece of clothing that is worn on the hand and wrist for warmth or protection, with separate parts for each finger

a pair of gloves

13. watering can /ˈwɑː.t̬ɚ.ɪŋ ˌkæn/
a container for water with a handle and a long tube used for pouring water onto garden plants

14. trowel/traʊəl/ 
a small tool with a curved pointed metal blade, used in the garden for digging small holes and removing small plants from the ground

15. shears /ʃɪrz/
very large scissors

gardening/dressmaking shears

16. lawnmower/ˈlɑːnˌmoʊ.ɚ/
a machine used for cutting grass

17. rake  /reɪk/
a garden tool with a long handle and long, pointed metal parts sticking out in a row at the bottom, used for making the earth level or for collecting leaves, etc.

18. fork   /fɔːrk/
a tool with a long handle and three or four points, used for digging and breaking soil into pieces

a garden fork  

19. shovel /ˈʃʌv.əl/
a tool consisting of a wide, square metal or plastic blade, usually with slightly raised sides, attached to a handle, for moving loose material such as sand, coal, or snow

20. spade /speɪd/
a tool used for digging especially soil or sand, with a long handle and a flat blade
to move with a shovel

a garden spade

Exercise 2

Match the correct meaning to each vocabulary.

a small building, usually made of wood, used for storing things

1.rake     2.shed        3.spade


to move with a shovel

1.spade        2. shovel       3.shears


a machine used for cutting grass

1.lawnmower       2.trowel        3.shed

Part 3

21. sickle /ˈsɪk.əl/
a tool with a short handle and a curved blade, used for cutting grass and grain crops

22. wheelbarrow /ˈwiːlˌber.oʊ/
a large, open container for moving things in with a wheel at the front and two handles at the back, used especially in the garden

23. sprinkler /ˈsprɪŋ.kəl.ɚ/
a device with a lot of small holes that you put on the end of a hose in order to water plants, grass, etc.

24. dig /dɪɡ/
to break up and move soil using a tool, a machine, or your hands

Digging (in) the garden is good exercise.

25. grow /ɡroʊ/  
If you grow a plant, you put it in the ground and take care of it

26. mow /moʊ/
to cut plants, such as grass or wheat, that have long, thin stems and grow close together

You can’t mow the grass/lawn if it’s wet.

27. sprout /spraʊt/
a part of a plant that is just beginning to grow
to produce leaves, hair, or other new developing parts, or (of leaves, hair, and other developing parts) to begin to grow

It takes about three days for the seeds to sprout.

28. scatter /ˈskæt̬.ɚ/
to cover a surface with things that are far apart and in no particular arrangement

I scattered the whole lawn with grass seed.

29. prune /pruːn/ 
to cut off branches from a tree, bush, or plant, especially so that it will grow better in the future

She spent the afternoon pruning roses.

30. spray /spreɪ/
a mass of small drops of liquid spread onto plants and crops, etc. from a special piece of equipment, or the piece of equipment itself
to spread liquid in small drops over an area

Farmers use a lot of chemical sprays on crops.

Exercise 3

Describe to your tutor what you see in this pictures.