
Unit 05 :



Let’s learn about different kinds of plants!

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Part 1

1. grass /ɡræs/
a low, green plant that grows naturally over a lot of the earth’s surface, having groups of very thin leaves that grow close together in large numbers

cut the grass

2. herb /ɝːb/
a type of plant whose leaves are used in cooking to give flavor to particular dishes or in making medicine

A large range of herbs and spices are used in South Asian cooking.

3. weed /wiːd/

any wild plant that grows in an unwanted place, especially in a garden or field where it prevents the cultivated plants from growing freely

4. lawn /lɑːn/
an area of grass, especially near to a house or in a park, that is cut regularly to keep it short

Will you mow the lawn at the weekend?

5. forest /ˈfɔːr.ɪst/
a large area of land covered with trees and plants, usually larger than a wood, or the trees and plants themselves

The children got lost in the forest.

6. moss /mɑːs/
a very small, green or yellow plant that grows especially in wet earth or on rocks, walls, and tree trunks

The rocks near the river were covered with moss.

7. stalk /stɑːk/
the main stem of a plant, or the narrow stem that joins leaves, flowers, or fruit to the main stem of a plant

She trimmed the stalks of the tulips before putting them in a vase.

8. trunk /trʌŋk/

the thick main stem of a tree, from which its branches grow

9. bough /baʊ/
a large branch of a tree

10. twig /twɪɡ/
(n.) 細枝,嫩枝
a small, thin branch of a tree or bush, especially one removed from the tree or bush and without any leaves

We collected dry twigs to start the fire.

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Exercise 1

Match the correct meaning to each vocabulary.

  1. herb___        2. lawn___          3. twig___          4. bough___          5. stalk___

a) a large branch of a tree

b) a type of plant whose leaves are used in cooking to give flavor to particular dishes or in making medicine

c) an area of grass, especially near to a house or in a park, that is cut regularly to keep it short

d) the main stem of a plant, or the narrow stem that joins leaves, flowers, or fruit to the main stem of a plant

e) a small, thin branch of a tree or bush, especially one removed from the tree or bush and without any leaves

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Part 2

11. root /ruːt/
the part of a plant that grows down into the earth to get water and food and holds the plant firm in the ground

12. leaf /liːf/
one of the flat, usually green parts of a plant that are joined at one end to the stem or branch

a palm leaf

13. bud /bʌd/
a small part of a plant, that develops into a flower or leaf

14. branch /bræntʃ/
one of the parts of a tree that grows out from the main trunk and has leaves, flowers, or fruit on it
to produce branches

Watch out for overhanging branches.

15. flower /ˈflaʊ.ɚ/
the part of a plant that is often brightly colored and has a pleasant smell, or the type of plant that produces these

a bunch/bouquet of flowers

16. pollen /ˈpɑː.lən/
a powder, produced by the male part of a flower, that causes the female part of the same type of flower to produce seeds. It is carried by insects or the wind.

17. bloom /bluːm/
When a flower blooms, it opens or is open, and when a plant or tree blooms it produces flowers.
a flower on a plant

These flowers will bloom all through the summer.

18. blossom /ˈblɑː.səm/
When a tree or plant blossoms, it produces flowers before producing fruit that can be eaten.

The cherry tree is beginning to blossom.

19. petal /ˈpet̬.əl/
any of the usually brightly colored parts that together form most of a flower

rose petals

20. seedling /ˈsiːd.lɪŋ/

a very young plant that has grown from a seed

Raise the seedlings in the greenhouse.

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Exercise 2

Common Expressions and Phrases about Plants.

  1. Beat around the bush

  2. Take a leaf out of someone’s book

  3. Root and branch

  4. Branch out
    擴展 (新的領域或不同的業務);拓展業務範圍
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Part 3

21. fruit /fruːt/
the soft part containing seeds that are produced by a plant. Many types of fruit are sweet and can be eaten.

I like exotic fruits, like mangoes and papayas.

22. core /kɔːr/
the hard central part of some fruits, such as apples, that contains the seeds

Don’t throw your apple core on the floor!

23. seed /siːd/
a small, round, or oval object produced by a plant and from which, when it is planted, a new plant can grow

Sow the seeds about three centimetres deep.

24. shrub /ʃrʌb/
a large plant with a rounded shape formed from many small branches growing either directly from the ground or from a hard stem, grown in gardens

She planted some roses and other flowering shrubs.

25. wither /ˈwɪð.ɚ/
(to cause) to become weak and dry and decay
to slowly disappear, lose importance, or become weaker

The grass had withered in the fields.

26. verdant /ˈvɝː.dənt/
covered with healthy green plants or grass

Much of the region’s verdant countryside has been destroyed in the hurricane.

27. vegetation /ˌvedʒ.əˈteɪ.ʃən/
plants in general, or plants that are found in a particular area

The railway track will have to be cleared of vegetation if it is to be used again.

28. deciduous /dɪˈsɪdʒ.u.əs/
A deciduous tree loses its leaves in autumn and grows new ones in the spring.

29. evergreen /ˈev.ɚ.ɡriːn/
An evergreen plant, bush, or tree has leaves for the whole year.
a plant, bush, or tree that has leaves for the whole year

30. photosynthesis /ˌfoʊ.t̬oʊˈsɪn.θə.sɪs/
the process by which a plant uses the energy from the light of the sun to produce its own food

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Exercise 3

Discuss the questions with your tutor.

  1. Do you like gardening? How much time do you spend in the garden?

  2. What are the names of some famous gardens in your city?

  3. Do you know what is “Floral emblem”? What is the “Floral emblem” in your country?