Unit 09 :
Painting and Drawing 繪畫類


Let’s learn about different vocabulary in paintings.

Part 1

1. doodle/ˈduː.dəl/
to draw pictures or patterns while thinking about something else or when you are bored

She’d doodled all over her textbooks.

2. sketch  /sketʃ/
a simple, quickly-made drawing that does not have many details
to make a sketch of something

When I have some spare time, I like to sketch.

3. graffiti /ɡrəˈfiː.t̬i/  
words or drawings, especially humorous, rude, or political, on walls, doors, etc. in public places

The subway walls are covered with graffiti.

4. illustration/ˌɪl.əˈstreɪ.ʃən/
a picture in a book, magazine, etc. or the process of illustrating something

a full-page illustration 一幅整頁的插圖
color/black and white illustrations  彩色/黑白插圖

5. outline /ˈaʊt.laɪn/ 
the main shape or edge of something, without any details
to draw the main shape or edge of something

She drew the outline of the boat and then colored it in.

6. canvas /ˈkæn.vəs/
a piece of this cloth used by artists for painting on, usually with oil paints, or the painting itself

7. watercolor/ˈwɑː.t̬ɚˌkʌl.ɚ/ 
a paint that is mixed with water and used to create pictures, or a picture that has been done with this type of paint

I prefer painting with watercolors.

8. brush  /brʌʃ/ 
an object with short pieces of stiff hair, plastic, or wire attached to a base or handle, used for cleaning, arranging your hair, or painting
to move something somewhere using a brush or your hand

a scrub brush      硬毛刷
a pastry brush     軟毛刷

9. palette/ˈpɔːr.trɪt/
a thin board with curved edges and a hole for your thumb, used by artists to mix their paints on while they are painting

10. collage/ˈkɑː.lɑːʒ/
a picture in which various materials or objects, for example, paper, cloth, or photographs, are stuck onto a larger surface

The children made a collage of postcards.

Exercise 1

Describe to your tutor what you see in this pictures.

Part 2

11. lithograph /ˈlɪθ.oʊ.ɡræf/
a picture printed using a stone or metal block on which an image has been drawn with a thick substance that attracts ink

12. woodcut/ˈwʊd.kʌt/ 
a picture printed from a pattern that has been cut in the surface of a block of wood

13. perspective/pɚˈspek.tɪv/
the way that objects appear smaller when they are further away and the way parallel lines appear to meet each other at a point in the distance

In 15th-century Italy, artists rediscovered the rules of perspective.

14. symmetry  /ˈsɪm.ə.tri/
the quality of having parts that match each other, especially in a way that is attractive, or similarity of shape or contents

15. contrast  /ˈkɑːn.træst/
an obvious difference between two or more things

There’s a marked contrast between his character and hers.

16. deconstruction/ˌdiː.kənˈstrʌkʃ.ən/
the act of breaking something down into its separate parts in order to understand its meaning, especially when this is different from how it was previously understood

17. harmony/ˈhɑːr.mə.ni/
a situation in which people are peaceful and agree with each other, or when things seem right or suitable together

racial harmony           種族和諧
domestic harmony     家庭和睦

18. emphasis /ˈem.fə.sɪs/
the particular importance or attention that is given to something

I think we should put as much emphasis on preventing disease as we do on curing it.

19. proportion /prəˈpɔːr.ʃən/  
the correct or most attractive relationship between the size of different parts of the same thing or between one thing and another

His feet seem very small in proportion to his body.

20. composition/ˌkɑːm.pəˈzɪʃ.ən/ 
the way that people or things are arranged in a painting or photograph

a group composition      組合構思

Exercise 2

Match the correct meaning to each vocabulary.

  1. emphasis __ 2. contrast __ 3. woodcut __ 4. composition __ 5. harmony __

a. the way that people or things are arranged in a painting or photograph

b. a picture printed from a pattern that has been cut in the surface of a block of wood

c. the particular importance or attention that is given to something

d. a situation in which people are peaceful and agree with each other, or when things seem right or suitable together

e. an obvious difference between two or more things

Part 3

21. chiaroscuro /kiˌɑːr.əˈskjʊr.oʊ/
the use of areas of light and darkness in a painting

22. impressionism/ɪmˈpreʃ.ən.ɪ.zəm/ 
a style of painting, which began in France in the 1860s, in which the artist tries to represent the effects of light on an object, person, area of countryside, etc.

23. naturalism/ˈnætʃ.ɚ.əl.ɪ.zəm/ 
showing people and experiences as they really are, instead of suggesting that they are better than they really are or representing them in a fixed style

24. expressionism/ɪkˈspreʃ.ən.ɪ.zəm/
a style of art, music, or writing, found especially in the 1900s, that expresses extreme feelings

25. modernism/ˈmɑː.dɚ.nɪ.zəm/
the ideas and methods of modern art, especially from the 1920s until now

26. fauvism /ˈfoˌvɪzəm/
(n.)野獸派An early 20th-century movement in painting begun by a group of French artists and marked by the use of bold, often distorted forms and vivid colors.

27. surrealism/səˈrɪə.lɪ.zəm/ 
a type of 20th-century art and literature in which unusual or impossible things are shown happening

28. academicism/͵ækəˋdɛmə͵sɪzəm/ 
a style of painting, sculpture, and architecture produced under the influence of European academies of art.

29. pointillism /ˈpwæn.tə.lɪ-/ 
a style of painting developed in France at the end of the 19th century in which a painting is created out of small spots of pure color that seem to mix when seen from far away

30. aestheticism/esˈθetiˌsizəm/
an intellectual and art movement supporting the emphasis of aesthetic values more than social-political themes for literature, fine art, music, and other arts.

Exercise 3

Describe to your tutor what you see in this pictures.