
Unit 2 : Hotel
Check-in 酒店入住英文



Learn how to check-in in a hotel.

travel unit 2-1

Do you have any unforgettable experiences related to hotels? If so, share it to your teacher.

您有什麼與酒店相關的難忘經歷嗎? 如果是這樣,請與您的老師分享。

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Vocabulary 酒店入住英文單字

Repeat these words/ phrases after your teacher.

  • air conditioning|空調
  • fan |扇子
  • fridge |冰箱
  • include|包括
  • passport|護照
  • cash |現金
  • elevator|電梯
  • check out|查看
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Dialogue 酒店入住英文對話

Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.


Front door


Good afternoon. Welcome to Didi Hotel. How may I help you?

Do you have a room available?

Yes, we do. We have rooms with double or twin beds. And the rooms have a fan or air conditioning.

How much is a room with a fan or aircon?

A fan room costs $7 and the rooms with aircon are $15.

I will take a room with an aircon and a double bed. Is there a fridge in the room?

Yes, there is.

Do you have free WIFI?

Yes, we do.

Is breakfast included in the price?

No, it is not. You can have breakfast in the restaurant street.

OK! Thank you.

Can I have your passport, please?

Here you are.

How would you like to pay, cash or credit card?

Cash, please. Here is $15.

Thank you. Here are your receipt and the room key.

On what floor is the room?

It is on the third floor.

Do you have an elevator?

Yes, it is right there.

What is the check out time?

It is at 12 o’clock. Enjoy your stay.

Thank you.

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Let’s Practice 酒店入住英文練習

Complete the dialogue by choosing the correct answer.


1.Do you have a room available?

(a) Yes, we can accommodate up to five people.

(b) Yes, we do. How many rooms do you need?

2. How would you like to pay, cash or credit card?

(a) I would like to pay it now.

(b) Cash, please.

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Discussion 酒店入住英文討論

Share your ideas with your teacher.


  1. Do you feel comfortable when you stay in a hotel? Why or Why not?
    你住酒店的時候感覺舒服嗎? 為什麼或者為什麼不?

  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of staying in hotels?