TOEIC 27-1
Speaking Mock Test
This unit will cover tasks 1-6 of the 11 tasks in the TOEIC® Speaking Test.
This is the TOEIC® Speaking test. This test includes 11 questions that measure different aspects of your speaking ability. The test lasts approximately 20 minutes.
Different types of speaking skills are evaluated including pronunciation, intonation, grammar, vocabulary, content, and cohesion.

Questions 1-2: Read a text aloud
Directions: In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen.
Preparation time: 45 seconds
Response time: 45 seconds
According to recent research, scientists at the University of Mississippi have discovered one reason that obese people eat more than they need. Dr. John Hall of the Mississippi Research Institute said, “That is because they have gotten used to overeating and being sedentary. To change this eating habit, they should start a day with a workout.”

Question 3: Describe a picture
Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture on your screen in as much detail as you can.
Preparation time: 30 seconds
Response time: 45 seconds

Questions 4–6: Respond to questions
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided.
You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 4 and 5, and 30 seconds to respond to Question 6
Response time: 15 seconds
Imagine that a US Marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about neighbors.
Question 4:
What do you usually do with your neighbors?
Response time: 15 seconds
Question 5:
Where is a good place for you and your neighbors to meet together?
Response time: 30 seconds
Question 6:
What is a good point about your neighbors or your town?
Resource: TOEIC® tests