Unit 09 :
Share your thoughts or experiences about the topics.
Be creative and make an interesting conversation with your tutor!


Why go camping? It is one of the most authentic ways to see the great outdoors, but maybe you don’t like dirt or bugs. However,you should still go on camping at least once in your life.
Share your ideas with your tutor.

Read the topics with your teacher.
Why you should go camping :
1. You get (much) closer to nature
While camping, you’re most likely going to be in a national or provincial park, wilderness lands or national forest lands. Campgrounds in these areas are about as close as you can get to some of the most beautiful places on earth.
2. You get far away from technology
Most campgrounds don’t have Wi-Fi or even a cell signal, so you and your children can leave the tech at home and get up close and personal with wildflowers, bugs, swimming holes and the Milky Way.
3. It’s a time to feel small and insignificant
Take along a star chart for your part of the world or an app like Star Walk and delve into the mysteries of the universe. You’ll realize that most problems will feel very small in comparison to what’s above your head.
4. You can really be alone
If you’re interested in backpacking, you can carry everything you need on your back and head into the wilderness. Whether you want to practice survival with some prepper gear, or just have some time to yourself, backpacking on- or off-trail will take you places many people will never see.
Source : 10best.com

Share your ideas with your tutor by answering the questions.
1.How many times have you gone camping? Did you enjoy it?
2.What is the best activity to do while camping?
3.What are the 4 most important things to bring when you go camping?
4.What is the best thing about camping? How about the worst thing?
5.Tell a story about a camping trip (it doesn’t have to be your story).