
Unit 1 :
Buying Transportation Tickets 買車票英文



Learn how to book transportation tickets on the phone and at the front desk.


Transportation 2

How many public transportation do you know?


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Vocabulary 買車票英文單字

Repeat these words/ phrases after your teacher.

  • Travel Services|旅遊服務
  • I’d like to….|我想…。
  • book(v.)|書(訴)
  • passenger|乘客
  • sold out|售罄
  • available|可用的
  • first-class|頭等艙
  • depart|離開
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Dialogue 1 買車票英文對話

Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.



Hello, This is Didi Travel Services! May I help you?

Hello, I’d like to book a flight to Hawaii, please.

OK! For how many passengers?

Two. For my wife and me.

What is your travel date?

I am making a reservation for December 12th.

OK! Your tickets will arrive in the mail within 3 days.

Thank you so much.

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Let’s practice 買車票英文單字練習

Role-play the dialogue 1  with your teacher.

Agent:Hello, This is _____________Travel Services! May I help you?

Tom:Hello, I’d like to book a flight to ___________, please.

Agent:OK! For how many passengers?.

Tom: _____________________________.

Agent:What is your travel date?

Tom:I am making a reservation for ___________.

Agent:OK! Your tickets will arrive in the mail within 3 days.

Tom:Thank you so much

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Dialogue 2 買車票英文對話

Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.



Hi. Two tickets for the 3:30 pm train to Taichung, please.

I’m sorry, sir. That train is sold out.

When is the next available train?

8pm, but only first-class tickets are left for that train.

First class is too expensive. When’s the next available bus?

It departs at 5:15.

I’ll do that, then. Two tickets, please.

OK. That will be $700 NT dollars, madam.

OK! Thank you!

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Let’s Practice 買車票英文練習

Choose the correct answer.


A:When’s the next available bus?

a. I don’t want to go there.       b. It departs at 7 pm.



A:Hi. One ticket for the 3:30 pm train to Taichung, please.

a. How are you?         b. OK! That will be $200 dollars, sir.

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Discussion: 買車票英文討論

Share your  ideas with your teacher.

  1. Do you often use train? Why / Why not?你經常坐火車嗎? 為什麼/為什麼不?

  2. What is your favorite type of public transport? Why? 您最喜歡的公共交通工具是什麼? 為什麼?