topic 30.3

Unit 30 :
Self- improvement



To know the importance of improving oneself and accepting changes.

Who do you talk to for encouragement and inspiration?

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Repeat these words/ phrases after your teacher.

  • slump (v)
  • face (v)
  • flaws (n)
  • harsh (adj)
  • resolve (v)
  • routine (n)
  • ups and downs (n)


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Dialogue 1

Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.



 Mackenzie, I’ve been in such a slump lately. Got any advice on how I could better myself?

I’ve got tons. First things first: step out of your comfort zone.

Ok, but how should I do that?

Be real with yourself. Face your fears and flaws. It’s the first step to self-improvement.

Ok, sounds like I should challenge myself and be more self-aware. What else?

Try surrounding yourself with more positive people who are always trying to improve themselves.

Funny you say that. I recently stopped hanging out with people who I thought were negative.

Good move. Negativity will just drag you down.

What about setting specific goals?

Absolutely. That helps a lot. But make sure you set realistic goals, and make working toward them part of your daily routine.

I hear ya. You know what? I already feel very inspired.


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Let’s practice

Answer the questions.

  1. What is the advice of Mackenzie to Sarah to self-improvement?
  2. What can drag somebody down?
  3. What is the first step to improve yourself ?
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Read the article with your teacher.

10 tips to consider for your self development plan

1.Start Now- Do something about your personal development plan today. It’s going to take some time to achieve lasting change so you need to start now. You can build on what you do today, tomorrow. Don’t become a pro at crastination!

2. Baby Steps- To make a plan you need to include steps. Break a large goal into its smallest components. Keep the end result in mind as you focus on the smaller bite sized steps.

3.Learn From Other People- You can gain from the success of other people and you can learn from their mistakes. Your own experience is a harsh teacher so learn from the mistakes of others. If you can find a mentor or coach your task will be easier. Read as many books as you can.

4.Embrace Change- The world is changing all the time. Even if you do nothing you will change by default as the world turns. There is no escape from this. If people and ideas didn’t change we would all still be living in caves.

5.Be Accountable- You are responsible for your own progress. You are responsible for what you are today and where you are today.

6.Be Grateful & Recognize Your Worth-Focus on what you already have.  Think about how others benefit from what you do. If you improve yourself, those benefits will increase. Your personal development is for others, as well as for you.

7.Be Intentional- Whatever you intend becomes your reality. Find your true intention before you resolve to do something and make sure you really want what you say you want. If your goal and your intention are not aligned, then you’ll think up lots of excuses and all sorts of situations to prevent your progress.

8.Challenge Yourself- Your goals need to be just out of reach. If you reach for an impossible target, you’re setting yourself up for a failure. If you stick to what’s easy, you’re denying yourself the satisfaction of achievement and only minimal change will occur. Find that middle ground with a stretch goal in your personal self development.

9.Follow Your Passion- It’s no good doing things that you don’t like. Choose actions that appeal to you and are in line with your values.

10.Keep Going & NEVER Give Up- Life works in cycles and moves to a rhythm. You will have ups and downs. When you hit a slow point or things don’t seem to be moving, don’t give up, keep going. There is no such thing as continual rapid advancement and that means your personal development plan needs to be achievable and balanced. Find your rhythm and go with the flow. There’s no such thing as finished personal self development. You can go on learning, changing and renewing for all of your life.

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Let’s Practice

Explain the following tips on your own words and cite an example.

  1. Be Accountable
  2. Challenge yourself
  3. Keep Going & NEVER Give Up
  4. Embrace Change
  5. Learn From Other People
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Share your idea with your teacher. Try to make sentences.

  1. How can discouragement help us to grow?
  2. How can you  believe  in yourself more?
  3. What are some ways you feel you can make a difference in
    this world?