
Unit 15 :
Asking a Course



To learn the how-to-dos when changing or inquiring about a course.

What course do you think will be in demand in the future?

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Repeat these words/ phrases after your teacher.

  • requirements (n)
  • credits (n)
  • homework (n)
  • indecisive (adj)
  • change (v)
  • biology (n)
  • normal (adj)
  • choice (n)
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Dialogue 1

Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.


Professor Adams

Hi, Professor Adams. I’m interested in taking your course, but I don’t know if I meet the requirements.

Actually, any student can take this course.

Oh, that’s great. And how many credits would I get?

Three credits. Would it be part of your major? 

Yes, that’s why I’m interested. Is there a lot of homework and readings.

Of course. There are weekly assignments, a group project, two essays and the final exam.

Got it. How much does the final exam count for?

It’s 30% of your final grade. Oh, and the textbook is about $150. 

Wow! Maybe I can find a used one.

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Let’s practice

Circle the word that does not belong to the group.

  1. Textbooks,  Notebooks,  Assignments,  Books
  2. Exam,   Grade,   Test,    Quiz
  3. A lot of,   Many,   Lots of,   The
  4. Find,   Are,    Professor,    Know
  5. Professor,   Student,    Credit,    Dean
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Dialogue 2

Role-play Dialogue 2  with your teacher.



I was wondering if I could change my major from biology to political science.

Those majors are very different from each other.

I know, but I hate biology. I can’t see myself studying it anymore.

You can change it, but you’ll have to take more classes.

 I don’t mind. Political science is really interesting to me.

You would be graduating a year late.

Oh, no. I have to think a little more about this then.

 I think you should change it, since you hate biology.

Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry I am so indecisive.

A lot of people change majors. It’s normal.

But not as late as I did. I hate that I’m graduating after all my friends.

You’re making the right choice.

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Let’s practice

Scrambled sentences. Arrange the following words to form a correct sentence.

  1. are from each Those very majors different other.
  2. I change could political biology to science major my change.
  3. The right choice you making are.
  4. Indecisive am I so.
  5. To me really Political Science is interesting.
  6. Change people majors a lot of.
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Share your idea with your teacher. Try to make sentences.

  1. Are counselors at school helpful when students want to change or ask additional questions about a course?

2. What are the qualities of   a  good student? 

3.Where is the best place for you to study? Why?

4.What are the qualities of a good teacher?