
Unit 24 :
Conflict Resolution (Part 2)




Repeat these sentences with your teacher first.

1. To resolve (a conflict or problem) (phr)
to solve or find a solution

2. To get in someone’s way (phr)
to interfere with someone

3. To work out a problem (phr)
to deal with or solve a problem

4. To undermine  (phr)
to intentionally say or do something that makes someone less successful, effective, or respected

5. To keep someone informed (phr)
to give someone the latest information about something

6. To go through someone (phr)
to talk with someone in order to contact someone else or get something done

7. Personality conflict (phr)
a situation where two people have a bad relationship, not because of a specific issue but because of basic differences in character or personality

8. Productive (phr)
achieving or producing a lot through hard work

9. Development (phr)
an event that changes a situation

10. To be on the same page (phr)
to agree or understand the same thing



Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.



[Fade in] So, yeah, then Lindsay comes to me and says she’s moving to the Newmarket outlet. Which I found pretty surprising, because…

Surprising? My understanding is that she’d already talked to you about  a potential move?

Sorry Trevor but I just want to give Andrew a chance to speak here. Go ahead Andrew.

Like I was saying, I was surprised… not that she wanted a move in the first place… I mean, she had a bit of a personality conflict with another employee, but I understood that to be resolved.

Lindsay announces she’s leaving for Newmarket… for your outlet… can you see how he might feel that something’s going on?

I guess I can see how that would be awkward. But perhaps she has other reasons for the move. In any case, I didn’t poach her. 

Like I said, she approached me, and I encouraged her to work out her problems. But Andrew didn’t know that.

Yes… I just want to do my job. And do it well. So yeah, I guess that’s the goal.

I’m good with that. And so… as part of this, it’d be great if you don’t always assume I’m trying to undermine you Andrew.

Okay… and I think it’s best  if  you  don’t  talk  to  my  employees  without going through me first.

Okay, so how’s this: we can  agree  to  maintain  open  communication and keep each other informed of employee developments.

Yeah, that sounds good to me. And… I’ll try to be more aware of when I interrupt you. 

And I appreciate you doing more to keep me informed on any staffing issues… [Fade out]



Read the article with your teacher.

The ability to successfully resolve conflict depends on your ability to:

conflict part 2
  • Manage stress quickly while remaining alert and calm. By staying calm, you can accurately read and interpret verbal and nonverbal communication.
  • Control your emotions and behavior. When you’re in control of your emotions, you can communicate your needs without threatening, intimidating, or punishing others.
  • Pay attention to the feelings being expressed as well as the spoken words of others.
  • Be aware of and respect differences. By avoiding disrespectful words and actions, you can almost always resolve a problem faster.




Answer the following questions to your teacher.

  1. What are your ways of improving your coworker’s conflicts?
  2. Have you tried solving others conflicts? How did you feel?

Let’s practice

Vocabulary and Idioms

Fill in the blanks with words from the box below. Be sure to put any verbs in the right tense.

    work          keep           page              assume                way                undermine

  1. In every meeting, Jack  tries to ________ my ideas by asking stupid or difficult questions.

  2. I’m happy to let you manage this file on your own, but please just___________________me informed of any big changes

  3. Once Debbie gets moving on a project, you’d better not do anything to get in her_______________.

  4. I was surprised that you didn’t take the job because I just____________that you wanted to live in LA again.

  5. If we can’t___________out this problem on our own, we should call someone to help us.

  6. So, are we on  the same _________now about this new policy or should we go through it again?