Unit 03 :
Email mistake



Repeat these sentences with your teacher first.

1. messed up (phr.)
unhappy and emotionally confused

2. accidentally(adv.)
by chance or by mistake

3. competitor(n.)
a situation in which someone is trying to win something or be more successful than someone else

4. idiot(n.)
a stupid person or someone who is behaving in a stupid way

5. hopeless(adj.)
without hope

6. reasonable(adj.)
based on or using good judgment and therefore fair and practical

7. convince(v.)
to persuade someone or make someone certain


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.



Oh no!

You alright James?

I really messed up. I just sent our client list to the wrong person!

What? Didn’t Cathy tell you to CC that to her?

Yes, but I accidentally sent it to Cathy Wang at Harper’s.

Harper’s, as in our biggest competitor?

Yeah. Oh man, I feel like such an idiot.

There’s no point worrying about it. It’s not the end of the world.

It’s hopeless. You can’t unsend an email! I’m in big trouble!

Cathy Wang is pretty reasonable. You can probably convince her to delete it.

Well, it’s worth a shot.


Read the article with your teacher.

How to survive email mistakes at work

When you’re working as quickly as you do, it only makes sense that you’re going to slip up every now and again. So what should you do if your email lands in the wrong inboxes? Here’s your action plan:

1. Make full use of email features 

If you use Gmail, set a time delay that will allow you to undo a message as needed. Go to your Gmail settings, then to the Labs section, and enable “Undo Send.” But you’ll have to set up the option ahead of time.

2. Keep calm

It is important that you should keep calm and think before you act. Keep in mind that mistakes can be corrected. Determine the cause of your blunder to prevent it from happening again. By understanding how the error happened, you will know how to remedy the situation. 

3.Apologize — but only to your boss

Don’t go running to the mistaken receivers and draw their attention. In most companies, people get a huge volume of email. It just may get lost in people’s in-boxes. So talk to your boss, be contrite, and wait to see what happens.If the negative responses come in and it’s clear you need to do more.

CBS News, “Email Mistakes at Work: How to Survive Them”Activetrail, ”Email Mistakes Happen: How to Remedy an Accidental Email Send”


Answer the following questions to your teacher.

1.Which is easier to write, an email or a letter? Why? 
2.Are emails an effective way to communicate in business? Why? Why not? 
3.Do you immediately reply to emails sent to you? Why? Why not?

Let’s practice

Choose the correct answer.

1.It’s hard to stay calm after you ____ email the wrong person.


2.You can send a follow-up email to apologize. It’s ____ ____ ____.

shot / mistake / worth / give / messed / a / trouble