Unit 17 :
Finishing work for the day
Repeat these sentences with your teacher first.
1. done for the day (phr.)
ill or very tired from working too hard
2. take a break (phr.)
to stop doing something for a short period of time : to rest
3. go ahead (phr.)
to start to do something
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.
Ray, are you done for the day?
No, I still have some work to do.
You should take a break.
No, I can’t. I’m not finished.
Should I wait for you to finish?
No, you go ahead.
- Have a nice evening!
Same to you. See you tomorrow!
Read the article with your teacher.
Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
According to the most recent data (May 2019), Americans worked an average of 34.4 hours per week.
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0
Men worked an average of 41.0 hours per week in paid employment. Women worked an average of 36.4 hours per week.
Marital Status
Married men worked 4.5 hours more per week than men who had never married. Married women worked 1.7 hours more than women who had never married.
White American: 38.9 hours per week
African American: 38.7
hours per week
Asian American: 38.9 hours per week
Hispanic and Latino: 38.2 hours per week
The average hours Americans work per day vary based on factors like weekend vs. weekday work, working from home vs. working in an office, and self-employed vs. salaried employee status. Factors like gender and education also influence the numbers.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/learnvest/2013/04/01/10-signs-youre-burning-out-and-what-to-do-about-it/#35caa4ce625b
Answer the following questions to your teacher.
1.Is your work environment cheerful and friendly or somber and professional?
2.Do you get on well with your colleagues? Why? Why not?
Let’s practice
Choose the correct answer.
1. You’re not ____ for the day. You can’t take a ____.
break / start / time / done / doing
2. Don’t wait for me to finish the work. You go ____.
A. before
B. ahead
C. next
D. ago
3. I still ____ some work to do.
A. makes
B. make
C. has
D. have