Insects colored decorative icons set with dragonfly beetle butterfly isolated vector illustration

Unit 04 :



Let’s learn about different kinds of insects!

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Part 1

1. ant /ænt/
a very small insect that lives under the ground in large and well-organized social groups

2. butterfly /ˈbʌt̬.ɚ.flaɪ/
a type of insect with large, often brightly colored wings

3. bee /biː/

a yellow and black flying insect that makes honey and can sting you

My arm swelled up where I was stung by a bee.

4. caterpillar /ˈkæt̬.ɚ.pɪl.ɚ/
a small, long animal with many legs that feeds on the leaves of plants, and develops into a butterfly or moth

5. cockroach /ˈkɑːk.roʊtʃ/
a flat, brown or black insect sometimes found in the home

6. cicada  /sɪˈkɑː.də/
a large insect found in warm countries that produces a high continuous sound

7. centipede /ˈsen.t̬ə.piːd/
a small, long, thin animal with many legs

8. dragonfly /ˈdræɡ.ən.flaɪ/

a large insect with a long, thin, brightly colored body and two pairs of transparent wings

9. fly /flaɪ/
a small insect with two wings

10. firefly /ˈfaɪr.flaɪ/
(n.) 螢火蟲
an insect that is active during the night and whose tail produces light

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Exercise 1

Match the correct meaning to each vocabulary.

1. bee___          2. cicada___          3. caterpillar___          4. fly___          5. cockroach___

a) a flat, brown or black insect sometimes found in the home

b) a small, long animal with many legs that feed on the leaves of plants, and develops into a butterfly or moth

c) a small insect with two wings

d) a large insect found in warm countries that produces a high continuous sound

e) a yellow and black flying insect that makes honey and can sting you

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Part 2

11. flea /fliː/
a very small jumping insect that feeds on the blood of animals and humans

12. grasshopper /ˈɡræsˌhɑː.pɚ/
a large insect with long back legs that can jump very high and makes a sharp, high noise using its back legs or wings

13. ladybug /ˈleɪ.di.bʌɡ/
a small, red beetle that is round and has black spots

14. moth /mɑːθ/
an insect with wings that is similar to a butterfly, usually flies at night, and is attracted to light

Some types of moth eat holes in clothes.

15. praying mantis /ˌpreɪ.ɪŋ ˈmæn.t̬ɪs/
a large, green insect that holds its front legs in a way that makes it look as if it is praying when it is waiting to catch another insect

16. scorpion /ˈskɔːr.pi.ən/
a small creature similar to an insect that lives in hot, dry areas of the world and has a long body and a curved tail with a poisonous sting

17. scarab /ˈsker.əb/
a type of large beetle

18. silkworm /ˈsɪlk.wɝːm/
a type of caterpillar (= a form of a young insect that is small, long, and has many legs) that produces threads of silk from which it makes a cocoon (= a covering for its body)

19. spider /ˈspaɪ.dɚ/
a small creature with eight thin legs that catch insects in a web (= a net made from sticky threads)

We watched the spider spin its web.

20. termite /ˈtɝː.maɪt/

a small, white tropical insect that eats wood

The male mallard has a green head and a reddish-brown chest.

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Exercise 2

Describe to your tutor what you see in this picture.

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Part 3

21. hornet /ˈhɔːr.nət/
a large wasp (= type of flying insect) that can give you a bad sting

22. locust /ˈloʊ.kəst/
a large insect found in hot areas that flies in large groups and destroys plants and crops

a swarm of locusts

23. beetle /ˈbiː.t̬əl/
an insect with a hard shell-like back

24. stick insect /ˈstɪk ˌɪn.sekt/
a large insect with a long, thin body and legs

She’s as thin as a stick insect.

25. bedbug /ˈbed.bʌɡ/
a very small insect that lives mainly in beds and feeds by sucking people’s blood

26. woodworm /ˈwʊd.wɝːm/
the young form of particular types of beetle that make small holes in wood as they feed on it
the damage done to wooden objects when woodworm feed on them

The roof beams were riddled with woodworm.

27. gnat /næt/
a very small flying insect that bites animals and people

28. earwig /ˈɪr.wɪɡ/
a small insect with two pincers (= curved pointed parts) at the back end of its body

29. silverfish /ˈsɪl.vɚ.fɪʃ/
a silver-white insect without wings that lives inside buildings

30. larva /ˈlɑːr.və/
a form of an insect or an animal such as a frog that has left its egg but is not yet completely developed

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Exercise 3

Common Expressions and Phrases about Insects.

  1. have butterflies in one’s stomach.

  2. like a moth to a flame

  3. as busy as a bee

  4. as merry as a cricket

  5. as snug as a bug in a rug