
Unit 22:
Preparing to Travel



To share the things you do before travelling.

How often do you travel? How do you prepare for it? What are the usual things that you bring?

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Repeat the following words and phrases with your teacher and use them in a sentence.

  • suspend(v)
  • automatically(adv)
  • got it covered(phr)
  • name it(phr v)
  • to pitch in(phr v)
  • garment bag(phr)
  • contingencies(n)
  • wardrobe(n)
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Dialogue 1

Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.



It looks like you’re ready for your trip. You must be psyched.

Yeah, I am. I’m almost ready. I’ve gone to the post office and filled out a form so they’ll hold my mail while I’m gone.

I could pick up your mail for you.

Thanks, but it’ll just be easier this way. I’ve also called the newspaper office to have my newspaper delivery suspended. Tomorrow I’ll arrange for my bank to automatically pay my bills so I won’t have my utilities cut off or accrue any late fees.

I could pay your bills for you. I don’t mind.

 It’s nice of you to offer, but I’ve got it covered. This morning, I took my plants over to my neighbor’s house. He agreed to water them for me while I’m gone.

I could have come over and watered your plants. That wouldn’t have been a problem at all.

Thanks for being willing to do that. As always, you’re so helpful.

Oh, I try my best…

 I was wondering if I could ask just one favor from you.

Of course you can. Just name it!

You know my dog, Rex…

Oh, no…

 I could board him at a kennel, but he’s had bad luck at kennels. Could you look after him while I’m gone?

 No way!


Why don’t you ask the people who worked at those kennels where Rex has been? I’m willing to pitch in, but I’m no sucker!

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Let’s practice

Answer the following questions.

  1. What did Shannon offered to Ignacio?
  2. Where will Ignacio go?
  3. What did he do to his plants?
  4. What did Ignacio asked Shannon to do?
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Dialogue 2

Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.



 Aren’t you done packing yet? We need to leave for the airport in 15 minutes.

 I’m almost done. I just need to finish packing my garment bag.

You’re bringing a garment bag? What for?

For my dresses, of course. I don’t want them to get wrinkles in them. I have a bag for shoes, belts, handbags, and other accessories; two suitcases for clothes, swimsuits, underwear, and socks; and a carry-on for my makeup and toiletries.

What do you need all that for?!

 I’m preparing for all contingencies. You never know what situation you’ll be in when you travel, and I want to be equipped with anything I’ll need.

I should have expected this when I married a clothes horse. I’m surprised you didn’t bring your entire wardrobe.

 I was thinking about it. I’m sure I can make room. All of my bags are expandable.

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Let’s Practice

Answer the following questions.

  1. What are the couple doing now?
  2. What is Mariah preparing?
  3. What is the reaction of Nick when his wife prepared a lot?
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Share your  ideas with your teacher.

  1. Do you travel light or pack everything but the kitchen sink?
  2. What is the one thing you always travel with?
  3. Which do you prefer, travel alone or by group?