
Unit 10 :
Ordering Coffee 咖啡廳英文



Are you a coffee drinker? Let’s learn how to order a cup of coffee.

你是喝咖啡的人嗎? 讓我們學習如何點一杯咖啡。

foodandculture 10-7

How often do you drink coffee? What kind of coffee do you prefer?

你多久喝一次咖啡? 你喜歡哪種咖啡?

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Vocabulary 咖啡廳英文單字

Repeat these words after your teacher.

  • Grande|格蘭德
  • Brew|釀造
  • Instead of|代替
  • Richer|更豐富
  • Sweetened|加糖的
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Dialogue 1 咖啡廳英文對話

Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.



Hi, welcome. What can I get for you today?

I’d like a grande iced americano, please.

Have you tried our new cold brew coffee?

Oh. Is that different than an iced americano?

Yes, a little. It’s coffee that is brewed in cold water instead of hot water.

Does it taste different?

It has a richer taste. Many people prefer it.

Ok, I’ll try it. But with half ice, please.

Actually, there’s no ice in it. Would you like it sweetened?

No sugar, please.

No problem.

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Let’s Discuss 咖啡廳英文討論

Brainstorm with your teacher.  

foodandculture 10-1

1. Americano 美式咖啡

foodandculture 10-2

2. Latte 拿鐵

foodandculture 10-3

3. Cappuccino 卡布奇諾

foodandculture 10-4

4. Espresso 濃縮咖啡

foodandculture 10-5

 5. Macchiato 瑪奇朵

foodandculture 10-6

6. Mochaccino/Mocha 摩卡奇諾/摩卡咖啡

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Let’s Practice 咖啡廳英文練習

Choose the correct answer.

  1. What does “barista” mean?



2.  Which one do you _____? Large or small?

       a. prefer      b. perfect

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Share your ideas with your teacher.

  1. Do you like coffee flavored foods or drinks? How about coffee cake? Or coffee-flavored milk?
    你喜歡咖啡味的食物或飲料嗎? 咖啡蛋糕怎麼樣? 還是咖啡味的牛奶?

  2. Is  café a good place to go on a date? What are the pros and cons of a café environment when you are trying to get to know someone?
    咖啡館是約會的好地方嗎? 當您想結識某人時,咖啡館環境的優缺點是什麼?